Tuesday 26 September 2017

Caution! Your facial creams could be a reason for your death

Wed, Sep 27, 2017 | 08:03 AM IST

ET Panache Health

Caution! Your facial creams could be a reason for your death
Caution! Your facial creams could be a reason for your death

Scientists found the active micro-carbon used in popular face creams to contain nano-sized rGO particles.

Just started using a fitness tracker? Here's how long you will continue wearing it
Just started using a fitness tracker? Here's how long you will continue wearing it

Once younger individuals start using activity trackers, they keep at it for at least six months.

How losing weight can help save money

Going from obese to overweight leads to lower medical costs and productivity savings.

How losing weight can help save money
Festive Guide 2017
Xiaomi offers red-hot, Diwali deals with Mi September sale
Xiaomi offers red-hot, Diwali deals with Mi September sale
Lights, curtains and flowers: Some easy tips to jazz up your house this festive season
Lights, curtains and flowers: Some easy tips to jazz up your house this festive season
Karwa Chauth gets a makeover! Goes uber-cool with poker, spa and a sundowner party
Karwa Chauth gets a makeover! Goes uber-cool with poker, spa and a sundowner party
Between the Lines
Guruprasad Kuppu Rao
Guruprasad Kuppu Rao
Director and Mentor, Imaginarium
Should businesses be creating prototypes to make ideas work better?
Jacqualine Tara Herron
Jacqualine Tara Herron
Director, Spa and Salon, The Imperial Hotel, New Delhi
Living out of your suitcase? Here's how to ensure it doesn't affect your health
Abhinav Sharma
Abhinav Sharma
Brand Manager, Adidas Running, India
From Bangalore to Berlin: How different are the running cultures?
Do you suffer from migraine? Here's why you should take care of your jawbone
Do you suffer from migraine? Here's why you should take care of your jawbone

People suffering from chronic migraine headaches are thrice as likely to suffer from severe jawbone disorder.

This festive season, gift your family a 'dental kit' for pearly white teeth

It is extremely important to maintain a balance between the white and the pink in the mouth.

This festive season, gift your family a 'dental kit' for pearly white teeth
Driven By The Name! What Barack Obama, David Beckham And Elon Musk Call Their Cars
Driven By The Name! What Barack Obama, David Beckham And Elon Musk Call Their Cars
At 6ft 9in, Ekaterina Lisina Is The Tallest Model In The World; Here Are Other Leggy Beauties
At 6ft 9in, Ekaterina Lisina Is The Tallest Model In The World; Here Are Other Leggy Beauties
Style Check: From Steve McQueen to Farhan Akhtar, Men Who Inspire CEOs
Style Check: From Steve McQueen to Farhan Akhtar, Men Who Inspire CEOs
Here's how to give a healthy twist to your Navratri fasting
Here's how to give a healthy twist to your Navratri fasting

Keeping a tab on your fasting methods is important to avoid health mishaps.

Are you fasting this festive season? Here are the benefits

Fasting, if done for all nine days can detoxify your body.

Are you fasting this festive season? Here are the benefits
Smartphone usage may help combat depression
Smartphone usage may help combat depression

Smartphones can help people monitor, understand and manage their own mental health.

Clean your house, walk to work, and keep early death at bay

One in 12 global deaths over a five-year period can be prevented through 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week.

Clean your house, walk to work, and keep early death at bay
Want to shed those extra kilos? Include nuts in your diet
Want to shed those extra kilos? Include nuts in your diet

People eating nuts not only had less weight gain, but they also enjoyed a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese.

World Alzheimer's Day: Bust the myths, embrace the facts

Myths and misleading information can make things worse for families coping with this illness.

World Alzheimer's Day: Bust the myths, embrace the facts
Ivanka Trump discusses her struggles with postpartum depression
Ivanka Trump discusses her struggles with postpartum depression

She revealed on a television show that the period after the birth of each of her children was challenging and emotional.

Is there a 'safe limit' for consuming alcohol during pregnancy?

There's not much research on just how little a pregnant woman could drink without harming her unborn baby.

Is there a 'safe limit' for consuming alcohol during pregnancy?
Bound to a 9-5 desk job? All your exercise is in vain
Bound to a 9-5 desk job? All your exercise is in vain

No matter how much you exercise, you definitely need to take a 'movement break' every half an hour.

Smokers with HIV more at risk of lung cancer than AIDS
Smokers with HIV more at risk of lung cancer than AIDS

People living with HIV who adhere to antiretroviral therapy but smoke tobacco cigarettes are more likely to die from lung cancer than from AIDS.

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