Banks need to lend Rs 1 lakh crore more to meet MUDRA target The latest data of the finance ministry said over 3.89 crore MUDRA loans have been sanctioned this fiscal so far. |
Cost overruns continue, no silver lining in India's infra cloud The report said the government should accord high priority to the infra sector.... |
Pawan Hans suitors have 3 more days to submit their bids The transaction advisor has worked out a reserve price for Pawan Hans which will be submitted to the Ministry of Civi... |
How Pulwama may have swung the poll war in Modi's favour "Two months ago, I assessed Modi's chances of returning to power at 50%. Today it is 70% or more." |
| | | Investigating the turnaround plan of the carmaker that fell from the top to the Big Three of the market. | | | |
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Remember the bomb that caused the '08 crisis? There's new one Current CLOs outstanding globally total around $700b, with annual new issues of over $100b.... |
Buffett theory for 'Elon Tusk' riddle turns out to be total bunk Some of the most entertaining guesses hinged on the chief executive officer changing his name on Twitter to "Elon Tus... |
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Unnoticed by most, the very pivot of Indian startups is shifting B2B startups now offer a $1-trillion opportunity for India if it plays its cards right.... |
Two bills may soon change the whole Green Card math The decades-long wait that skilled Indians have to go through could soon be history.... |
The place where India-Pakistan tensions are far more palpable Fear still rules the line of fire. For those living near it, the current hostilities are Déjà vu.... |
Why businessmen are scared of Modi govt's draft ecomm policy Entrepreneurs say draft e-commerce policy appears to take protectionist approach and deters global investors.... |
Amid India-Pakistan crisis, India won the diplomacy round It is crucial to remember that India's strategic and economic clout has led to a more supportive environment.... |
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