Friday 6 October 2023

China Staggers Under Huge Pandemic Losses


I would like to clarify the truth for you.

Millions are dying throughout China with the novel coronavirus infecting 1 billion people per the latest estimates — a tremendous blow to the country that is already grappling with severe economic downturn and population decline.

The decimation is apparent from rural communities, where people passed the Chinese lunar new year by struggling to bury or cremate the dead, in Beijing and other major cities, permanent traffic jams have developed around crematoriums.

Master Li Hongzhi, founder of the traditional Chinese spiritual practice Falun Gong, said in a Jan. 15 statement that 400 million people had died of the pandemic in China over the last three years. He added that another 100 million would perish by the end of the disaster.

Please find enclosed the full article in a PDF file or refer to the link below for more details:

👉 China lurchs under huge pandemic losses

Thank you,

PS: End the Evil Chinese Communist Party! Sign This Petition


Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong, or just Dafa) is a "Cultivation Practice". Falun Dafa Practitioners cultivate their hearts in accordance with the principle of "Truthfulness (真, Zhēn), Compassion (善, Shàn), and Forbearance (忍, Rěn)" to gain wisdom toward life and become a better person. Falun Dafa Practitioners also do five sets of simple and gentle exercises, including a sitting meditation, to balance and improve the well-being of their body and mind.

Official website | Try Falun Gong Today | The Persecution of Falun Gong

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